E = Excellent

G = Good

S = Satisfactory

P = Poor

U = Unsatisfactory


E = 90 – 100 G = 80 – 89 S = 70 – 79 P = 60 – 69 U = 59 or below

INC = Incomplete. The “INC” grade may be used temporarily for students who have been lawfully absent from school and have not had an opportunity to make up missed work prior to the end of a marking period.

L = Late Enrollment. An “L” will be issued when students enroll in a course near the end of a marking period, without available equivalent grades from a prior school to inform the calculation of the marking period grade.

PASS = Pass.  A “PASS” may also be used for English Language learners (ELs) in the beginning stages of English language acquisition (WIDA levels 1-1.7, verified in the online student information system) when English proficiency limits accuracy of earned letter grade.